


For several centuries, medical experts have endorsed the therapeutic properties of certain flowers. Apart from decorating homes, and spreading cheer to loved ones, some of these blooms are medicinal flowering plants with healing properties. A significant benefit of these flowers is that their therapeutic benefits are natural, with no chilling side effects that modern pills and medication have.     

Medicinal Flowering Plants and their Benefits

Look at some effective ones below to learn more about using medicinal flowering plants for home remedies.


The bottom part of the flower is bitter, so you should separate it from the flower. Petals of carnations, when brewed, make excellent tea that helps alleviate anxiety, agitation, stress, and fatigue. Still, this medicinal flowering plant has a healing effect on the skin and can minimize swelling.



Cornflower tea acts as a laxative used to supply relief to patients. The blue flower is safe to consume in its raw state and is useful as a mouth cleanser. When made into a paste, it helps relieve acne or irritated eyes.



When this flower soaks in hot water, it makes a great tea that relieves fevers, headaches, or the common cold when sipped. Once the liquid cools, apply it as a compress to soothe tired eyes.


Angelica flower

The Angelica flower is a highly fragrant medicinal flowering plant used to decorate cakes. The flower has several medicinal uses, including alleviating digestive disorders, coughs, and colds.



Begonia is a medicinal flowering plant helpful in alleviating countless ailments and is prepared in two different ways. An infusion made by soaking the flower in hot water helps alleviate headaches and detoxifies the body. Rubbing crushed leaves of the flower directly on the skin helps relieve pain burns and heal wounds.


Black Cohosh 

Black Cohosh is a highly potent flower. Hence, women should use it cautiously as it is known to stimulate the uterus, causing emmenagogue, meaning it can promote and increase menstrual flow. When used in low doses, this flower can help regulate cycles and act as a pain reliever. But, expectant ladies should avoid it since it can cause premature labor or miscarriage. 

Bellis Perennis

This flower has many medicinal properties when used in an infusion. It acts as a laxative and expectorant to purge the body of toxic waste. It is also a good home solution for arthritis and rheumatism. Direct application on the skin through an ointment helps in healing wounds.


Butterfly weed

Butterfly weed is widely used in native Indian cuisines and effectively treats respiratory and lung-related complications. Direct application on the skin in the form of a poultice reduces swellings and heals wounds.



Dandelions are widely used in Native American cultures as a laxative and tonic to promote good health. The flower is beneficial in cleansing the blood and managing anemia.


California Poppy

When used over a long duration, California Poppies and other substances help reduce anxiety, insomnia, depression, and fatigue. They don’t contain opium and aren’t addictive, so there’s no harm in using them. They are also a good option for treating bladder ailments in both children and adults.

Blood Root 

Blood Root is a white flower that is very effective in small doses when treating respiratory ailments. Also, when mixed into a paste together with other ingredients, it can help alleviate rashes, warts, and other dermic problems when applied to the skin. By ingesting it as a tea or tonic, it is very effective in cleansing the blood and minimizing fevers.



Gardenia is a typical Chinese medicine for blood cleansing, bladder remedies, and physical injuries. The flower is also helpful in alleviating depression, stress, insomnia, and other mental illnesses.


Blue Lobelia 

Blue Lobelia is a flower common among Native Indians for treating severe ailments, including Syphilis. Ingesting as a tea helps relieve coughs, colds, fevers, and digestive disorders.


Calendula is a flower with yellow petals that are very effective when used with other ingredients to create ointments and creams. When applied to the skin, they help heal burns, cuts, and wounds.


Hyssop flower dates back to biblical times and is renowned for its effectiveness against bronchitis, chest ailments, sore throats, rheumatism, and arthritis. It also helps to improve the circulation of blood.



Jasmine is an exotic flower that makes delicious tea and aids in digestive ailments and stomach ulcers. It also alleviates insomnia and anxiety when taken before bed.



Consuming a drink made from sunflower helps contain ulcers and menstrual cramping. Also, it can be a helpful mouthwash in cases of sore throats.



Apart from expressing love or passion, rose flowers are safe for human consumption and are rich in vitamin C. When eaten raw, these petals help to increase blood circulation and relieve depression. While rose tea is a mild laxative, a paste or cream made from rose petals helps improve your skin’s appearance, especially the face.


Lilac can be soaked to make a tonic that alleviates fever and internal parasites. Making a paste or gel and then applying it to the skin helps soothe and heal eruptions, burns, or wounds.


The fascinating fragrance and beauty, whether in a single flower or bouquet, have the potency to heal, express feelings, and inspire.


4 Amazing Benefits of Medicinal Flowering Plants 


Therapeutic healing from fragrant flowers

Flowers contain aromatic oils with alleviating properties. The highly concentrated form of oil extracted from flowers includes minerals and vitamins that heal many ailments. Lavender, jasmine, and rose are popular fragrances used in aromatherapy.

Natural skincare 

Oils and ointments occur from flowers such as calendula and dandelion, beneficial for external application, effective in healing wounds, skin eruptions, and relaxing muscles.

Boost metabolism 

Dried flowers such as chamomile, lavender, rose, hibiscus, marigold, chrysanthemum, and jasmine are great for teas and infusions.

Mental wellbeing with flower essence

Flower essence derived from flowers helps manage specific forms of mental ailments and psychological issues.

Have you ever thought of using medicinal flowering plants as an ailment solution? The above pointers can help you create homemade remedies for different health challenges. Drop a comment below and if you found this article helpful, share it.  


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